Exam Proctoring
The Mars Area Public Library offers test proctoring with the following provisions and limitations:
Test proctoring will only be done in the library, during library operating hours.
Test proctoring will be done by a librarian and is subject to their availability.
The Library provides a workspace and limited supervision. We check I.D. if necessary, provide a space for students to store backpacks or purses, get the student started, and stop the student once the exam time is completed.
The Library staff will proctor exams by appointment only. It is required that students and/or institutions make all prior arrangements with us. If the scheduled librarian is unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, we will make every effort to have another librarian present to proctor the exam. If the student is unable to come at the assigned time, they must notify the Library ahead of time.
The Mars Area Public Library has public access computers that students may use to take online exams. The normal computer time limits will be extended for patrons who have online tests to take.
Any and all other equipment required for exams, such as calculators, CD players, and so forth, must be provided by either the student or the testing institution.
Complete proctor documentation forms if forms are provided by the institution sending the exam.
If a postage paid envelope is provided, the Library will mail/email/fax the exam to the institution once it is completed.
Provide supplies to students such as test booklets, paper, pencils, etc.
Time individual or multiple portions of the same exam.
Directly supervise the student, except to begin and end the exam.
Provide envelopes or postage to mail the exams once complete.
Guarantee quiet work spaces, although we will make every effort to set students apart from high traffic areas of the Library.
To request test proctoring services, please contact jcallihan@bcfls.org